0-3 months
- follows objects with eyes
- coos, squeals
- lifts head when lying on tummy
- holds head erect
- looks at faces
3-6 months
- rolls
- smiles
- laughs
- reaches for and grasps toys
- imitates sounds (baba, dada)
- plays with hands and feet
- turns head toward sounds
6-9 months
- responds to name
- babbles
- associates words with actions
- sits without support
- transfers objects from one hand to the other
- waves
- bangs objects together
9-12 months
- stands holding on to something
- crawls
- plays pat-a-cake
- finger feeds
- drinks from sippy cup
- uses neat pincer grasp
- vocalizes "mama/dada" to call mom/dad
- gestures to indicate wants
- associates words with objects
12-18 months
- experiments with utensils
- imitates activities of others
- scribbles with crayon
- assists with dressing
- walks independently
- says 10-20 words
- follows simple commands with a gesture
- stacks blocks
- points
18-24 months
- identifies body parts
- removes clothing
- runs
- throws a ball overhand
- kicks a ball
- walks up stairs with support
- completes simple puzzle
- stacks rings on a post
- follows commands without gestures
- says 50 words
24-30 months
- jumps with both feet leaving the floor
- walks up and down stairs without support
- combines words into 2-word phrases
- speech 50% intelligible
- engages in adult role-playing
- participates in group play
30-36 months
- balances on one foot
- strings beads
- imitates drawing a vertical line and circle
- puts clothing on
- names one color
- states name and age
- understands descriptive words
- clear speech
- speaks in 3+ word phrases